Certificate of Advanced Studies Digital Transformation of Public Administration

Certificate of Advanced Studies Digital Transformation of Public Administration

Provider: Lucerne University

CHF 7’900
5 months
Novice level
Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)



In the public sector, digitization stands for a far-reaching transformation of the state, politics and administration. This is made possible by information technology, but requires specialist and political control. The digital transformation process requires a high level of interdisciplinary expertise from the actors involved. The CAS Digital Transformation of Public Administration provides participants with an overview of the opportunities and limitations in the digitization of government services. The digital transformation of public administration can only succeed if individuals and organizations are able to build up new types of digital knowledge and integrate it into existing knowledge structures. For this reason, the CAS derives concrete practices for the adept development of digital competencies and deals with the individual and organizational handling of uncertainty. With the human dimension, the social impact of digitalization is addressed and the role of the state in overcoming digital challenges is discussed. In this continuing education course, CAS participants acquire the competence to recognize the challenges of digitalization and to implement them in public administration. The CAS is thematically divided into four modules: Module 1: Impact of digitalization on the public sector The first module enables participants to grasp digitalization as a megatrend and to analyze different forms of digitalization. The focus is on the change in service provision through digitization. Scenarios of the digital transformation of the state are presented and the resulting changes in the relationship between state and citizen are discussed. Participants will also use concrete examples to delve deeper into the digitization of processes that enable service-oriented service provision. Module 2: Technology as an enabler of digital administration In this module, participants will gain practical knowledge about the digital possibilities of government service provision. Using digital technologies such as Govbots, Robotic Process Automation, Process Mining, Artificial Intelligence or Big Data, the participants deal in depth with aspects of digitalization in the public sector. Module 3: Impact of digitalization and automation on the administrative process Digital technologies enable automated, governmental action. In the third module, the potential of so-called smart contracts is highlighted and assessed with regard to their legal consequences. At the same time, state decisions based on artificial intelligence will be analyzed and legally assessed. Finally, possible implications of open government visions are discussed. Module 4: Competence Management and Digital Transformation; Societal Impacts of Digital Transformation and the Role of the State in the Digital World With the description of the human dimension, the individual and societal impacts of digitalization are addressed. Public administration is undergoing a technology-driven and rapid transformation. On an individual and organizational level, this creates uncertainty. The fourth module looks at how to deal with change and complexity. Practices are highlighted that enable the development of new digital competencies and trigger an adaptation of routines. At the same time, the social impact of the digital transformation and the role of the state are analyzed. Close

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A degree at tertiary level (ETH/university, university of applied sciences, college of higher education and others) and at least two years of professional experience after graduation. Persons with an equivalent qualification and several years of professional experience may be admitted in limited numbers via a standardized admission procedure ("sur dossier").



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