Certificate of Advanced Studies E-Commerce Management

Certificate of Advanced Studies E-Commerce Management

Provider: Lucerne University

CHF 29’700
5 months
Expert level
Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)



You will acquire in-depth e-commerce knowledge on the management of online stores. You will learn critical success factors of online stores and suitable strategies, concepts, tools and measures to exploit their potential. You will know how to measure and increase traffic and conversions. The part-time e-commerce continuing education course covers the relevant topics from e-commerce management: from addressing the customer on the web to product presentation, the ordering process, logistics, analysis and customer service. The module teaches the fundamentals, methods, case studies and analyses for developing and applying strategies and business models in e-commerce. The module explains practical know-how, tools, models, and research findings for increasing the conversion rate (target achievement) of online stores. The module teaches important online marketing tools as well as the possibilities of search engine optimization and paid search advertising. The module provides fundamentals, examples and insights from practice on web and mobile usability and user experience (UX) for online stores. The module teaches central methods and key figures for the successful analysis and control of online stores as well as important analytics basics. The module teaches the basics of customer relationship management and important content on customer services and customer development. Close


  • At least four years of professional experience in marketing, communication, sales with a strong connection to online commerce or in a related field of activity
  • University degree (university or university of applied sciences) or higher professional education (Höhere Fachschule HF, Eidg. Diplom, Eidg. Fachausweis)
  • Minimum age of 26 years
  • First experience in the e-commerce environment is an advantage
  • "Sur dossier admission" possible in exceptional cases and in limited numbers for people without a tertiary degree.



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