Dipl. Techniker/-in HF Unternehmensprozesse, specialization logistics

Dipl. Techniker/-in HF Unternehmensprozesse, specialization logistics

Provider: IBZ - The Swiss School of Engineering and Management

CHF 12’720
3 years
Novice level
Higher technical college (HF)



Technicians HF Business Processes with specialization in logistics are responsible for smooth and economical supply chains. They analyze, develop and optimize flows of goods, money and information in industrial, commercial and service companies. They can work in procurement, production or distribution as well as in warehousing and waste disposal, where they lead a team or a department.

As a certified technician HF Corporate Processes with specialization in logistics, you have an overview of the entire process flow of a company as well as the market situation. Thanks to your communication skills, you can work successfully with internal and external specialists.


  • EFZ of an apprenticeship of at least 3 years (e.g. polymechanic, computer scientist, electronic technician, car mechanic, production mechanic, logistician, retail specialist, businessman/-woman)
  • Other qualification Sek II and at least 1 year of practical experience
  • German language skills at least B2 level, everyday knowledge of Office programs, good mathematical skills (preliminary course in mathematics recommended)
  • Proof of competence in English level B1 by the end of the 5th semester at the latest --> Further information, English courses and exams



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