Project manager building automation with federal certificate of proficiency

Project manager building automation with federal certificate of proficiency

Provider: IBZ - The Swiss School of Engineering and Management

CHF 8’795
1.5 years
Novice level
Swiss Federal Diploma



Building automation project managers handle building automation projects from conception and planning to execution and handover to the customer. The field of work includes building and communication technology as well as efficient energy use. Their clients include business owners as well as users of building automation systems. They work at the customer's site and in the office.

The combination of broad knowledge of building automation systems, practical practice in project management and acquired knowledge of personnel management enables graduates to assume responsibility in project teams.

  • Practical instruction and immediate implementation of what is learned.
  • In addition to comprehensive, up-to-date and practice-relevant specialist knowledge, you will acquire in-depth business management knowledge geared to the requirements of the industry.
  • In case studies and project work, you will immediately put what you have learned into practice, and in various workshops you will train your communication and project management skills, among other things.
  • You will develop leadership skills and be ideally equipped to take on management tasks.
  • You are in demand in the market because, in addition to specialist knowledge and practical experience, you also bring entrepreneurial thinking and action.
  • The mid-term and semester examinations will regularly show you whether what you have learned has been put into practice.


  • EFZ as electrician, electrical planner, telematics technician, automation technician, building services planner for heating or building services planner for ventilation or equivalent qualification and at least 1 year's practice in building automation
  • EFZ as installation electrician, heating installer, ventilation installer, sanitary installer or equivalent qualification and at least 4 years of practice in building automation
  • Comparable EFZ of a Swiss profession in building services engineering. The Quality Assurance Commission decides on the comparability and the required duration of practical work.
  • Decree on the required module qualifications or equivalence certificates



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