Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) University of Teacher Education Thurgau in Learning Coaching in Everyday School Life

Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) University of Teacher Education Thurgau in Learning Coaching in Everyday School Life

Provider: Thurgau University of Education

CHF 15’000
1 year — 2 years
Novice level
Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)




How can the individual learning processes of students be profitably supported? To design learning professionally and to accompany learners skillfully even in challenging situations requires a sound theoretical as well as practical knowledge. In the conviction that learning coaching is a central element on the way to an individualizing school, the newly designed CAS Learning Coaching in Everyday School Life starts exactly at this point. In the course of the continuing education program, the attitude in learning coaching and a rich repertoire of methods are taught. This enables the learning coach to sustainably increase the learning competence and motivation of the learners during lessons or in separate individual or group sessions.


The participants

  • are familiar with the basics of pedagogical-person-centered conversation and are able to apply them.
  • are familiar with basic findings of learning and neuropsychology.
  • deepen their knowledge of emotions, motivation, resource orientation, solution orientation and learning strategies and are able to apply these in everyday pedagogical work.
  • are able to understand learning processes in a differentiated way and to design learning conversations in the classroom in a way that is effective for learning.
  • deepen their knowledge of systemic-constructivist consulting and expand their coaching repertoire with systemically oriented methods.



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