Bachelor of Arts PHTG in Primary Education

Bachelor of Arts PHTG in Primary Education

Provider: Thurgau University of Education

CHF 5’000
2 years — 3 years
Novice level



About the study

The study program is designed according to the Bologna guidelines. It has a modular structure and points are awarded for academic achievements in the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). This enables, for example, a semester abroad to be credited to the PHTG degree program. Students can also later have the ECTS points they have earned credited to further education at the tertiary level.

The primary education program comprises a total of 180 ECTS credits, with one ECTS credit corresponding to approximately 25-30 hours of work. An average of 60 ECTS points is earned per academic year. After successful completion of the diploma examination, graduates are awarded a teaching diploma for primary level recognized throughout Switzerland as well as a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Primary Education.

Job description

Primary teachers are important caregivers for children - and their parents. To perceive the individual development of each child and to teach them in an age-appropriate way is demanding, and to experience their progress is gratifying. Primary teachers teach the subject matter in almost all subjects, ensure a good learning environment and make the lessons exciting and varied. They are responsible for a class, but are also part of a team and a school.

The primary education degree program prepares interested students for these diverse tasks. After graduation, primary teachers are qualified to teach at public as well as private schools in Switzerland.


Direct, examination-free entry into the primary education program is possible with the following qualifications:

  • Gymnasium baccalaureate
  • vocational baccalaureate with Passerelle
  • a teaching diploma recognized by the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK) (possibly with conditions)
  • recognized vocational baccalaureate for the professional field of pedagogy
  • degree from a university of applied sciences (possibly with conditions)



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