Thurgau University of Education

Thurgau University of Education

Unterer Schulweg 3 Kreuzlingen
Founded in
Est. 2003



The Thurgau University of Teacher Education PHTG in Kreuzlingen/Canton Thurgau is a nationally recognized training and continuing education institution for teachers. Since its foundation in September 2003, the PHTG has approximately 600 students. The PHTG maintains close cooperation with the neighboring University of Constance and is a member of the IBH (International Lake Constance University). Teacher training in Kreuzlingen was transferred from traditional, seminar-based training to a modular structure at university level and took over the training for teachers. After the first years in provisional tenancies, the PHTG was able to move into two new buildings designed by architect Beat Consoni in the fall of 2008. Annually, there are about 4,500 enrollments for continuing education and counseling programs.

Courses under the direction of the Thurgau University of Education

Master of Arts PHTG in Secondary Education
CHF 5’000
5 years
Expert level
Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) University of Teacher Education Thurgau in Learning Coaching in Everyday School Life
Master of Arts in Early Childhood, PHTG and University of Konstanz
Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) Schulleiterin/Schulleiter EDK