Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Early Childhood Education

Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Early Childhood Education

Provider: Thurgau University of Education

CHF 6’900
1 year
Expert level
Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)




Case Understanding Considering Different Perspectives
When dealing with child and family situations, a sound understanding of the individual case is of central importance. Using the method of case understanding, four perspectives are taken: Child, Parent/Family, Professional/Institution, and Society.

The individual case is viewed holistically and resource-oriented through the different perspectives, action-oriented conclusions are derived and new possibilities are developed from them for everyday professional life.

The basic competencies acquired in the CAS provide confidence in case analysis as a basis for dealing with children, parents, caregivers, other professionals and institutions.


The participants

  • acquire the basics of differentiated case work.
  • acquire the professional basics of child development.
  • understand the conditions and effects of different forms of parenthood and build up an adequate way of dealing with different family constellations.
  • recognize the social conditions of growing up and the construction of childhood.
  • understand the social and educational challenges of early childhood.
  • know the effects and impacts of pedagogical approaches and forms of intervention in early childhood education, care and upbringing.
  • reflect on their own professional actions.


  • Participants bring the following qualifications: Education at secondary level II with qualified further education (e.g. at a HF) or university degree or an equivalent qualification. Furthermore, they have at least two years of professional experience.



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