Bachelor of Arts PH Zurich in Pre-Primary and Primary Education

Bachelor of Arts PH Zurich in Pre-Primary and Primary Education

Provider: Zurich University of Education

CHF 4’320
3 years
Novice level



Full-time study

The study program Kindergarten and Lower School is a three-year full-time study program. In addition to the fundamentals of educational science, you will acquire competencies in all educational areas of the kindergarten level and - except for English - in all subjects of the lower school (1st to 3rd grade). It leads to a teaching license for kindergarten and lower school, which enables you to take over a kindergarten class or a lower school class in all cantons of Switzerland upon completion of the program.

Study planning

The planning provides for six semesters with cursory courses as well as compact weeks and internships during the intermediate semesters. Six weeks of vacation are planned per year. During the other weeks, an average workload of 42 hours per week is calculated (Monday to Friday approx. 8.5 hours each). Outside of the vacation weeks, the study plan does not provide for any obligations outside of the studies (work activities, childcare).

Part-time study

A part-time program of study in Kindergarten and Lower School is not currently offered.

However, the length of study may be extended on an individual basis after matriculation in consultation with the office of the Department of Entry Level Education. This allows students to pursue other commitments (employment, childcare, etc.) to a limited extent in addition to their studies.

Even with an adapted study plan, individual compact weeks as well as a fourteen-week spring semester, which takes place primarily in practice, must be completed full-time (100% attendance from Monday to Friday). No other commitments are possible during these times.

A full-time semester includes, outside of the compact weeks and practice phases, a weekly study time of approximately 30 to 35 hours (of which approximately 20 to 24 hours are classroom-based).

The design of the individual study and lesson planning as well as the duration of the study program depend on the flexibility and time budget of the respective student.

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Direct admission

Direct admission to studies with the following educational certificates:

  • Gymnasiale Matura
  • Specialized baccalaureate in pedagogy
  • BMS pass examination - university degree
  • University of Applied Sciences degree
  • Equivalent foreign educational certificate

Admission to the supplementary examination

Admission to the supplementary examination with the following educational certificates:

  • Federal vocational baccalaureate
  • Specialized baccalaureate (not pedagogy)

Admission to the entrance examination

Admission to the entrance examination at the level of "Fachmaturität Pädagogik" with the following educational qualifications

  • Professional apprenticeship and three years of professional experience
  • Completion of a three-year technical or diploma secondary school



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