Bachelor of Arts PH Zürich in Primary Education

Bachelor of Arts PH Zürich in Primary Education

Provider: Zurich University of Education

from CHF 4’320
3 years — 4 years
Novice level



The full-time primary education program lasts three years and is the most frequently chosen course of study. It leads to a teaching license in seven subjects at the primary level in all cantons of Switzerland. As part of the subject extension, teaching authorization for additional subjects can be acquired after completion of the study program.

The part-time study program in primary education lasts four years and is aimed at persons who have to pursue a limited amount of work or fulfill other duties in addition to their studies. Module content and requirements are the same as those of the full-time program and leads to a teaching license in seven subjects at the primary level in all cantons of Switzerland.

A varied, fulfilling profession awaits you, in which you will receive a great deal of appreciation and be able to contribute your personality and creativity. As a teacher, you will work alone and in a team, with students, parents, school authorities and specialists from the school field. Maintaining and shaping these different relationships is exciting and challenging. However, you are also in demand as a specialist with comprehensive general knowledge and high pedagogical and didactical competences. As a primary teacher with training in seven subjects, you will lead a large part of the teaching in your class and promote the learning of the students. In addition to the main subjects, you will teach in your individual subject profile and thus set your own focus in shaping your profession.

Study plan

The program is divided into six semesters of cursory courses (modules), as well as study weeks and internships during mid-semesters. The average time commitment is 40 to 45 hours per week. Six weeks of vacation are scheduled per year.


These qualifications entitle you to study primary education:

  • Federally recognized baccalaureate or specialized baccalaureate in pedagogy
  • University of Applied Sciences degree
  • Passerelle vocational baccalaureate
  • University degree
  • Equivalent foreign qualification
  • Passed admission procedure



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