Achieving your own professional goals and balancing work and study are at the heart of the SIB concept "MaxFlex - maximum flexibility for your learning success at SIB". "MaxFlex" offers students more flexibility regarding the form of instruction and the pursuit of individual learning goals.
Live stream participation in class
If, for private or professional reasons, it is occasionally not possible for you to attend individual lessons on site, you can follow the lessons via live stream (camera transmission).
Thanks to this additional service you will not miss the lessons. For a high didactic quality, the focus of the lecturers is on the class in the room, participation via live stream is considered passive participation.
The advanced training to become a "dipl. Steuerberater/in NDS HF" is ideal for persons,
- who want to demonstrate sound competencies in taxes.
- who, as a fiduciary or financial officer, want to focus on tax-related topics.
Our "dipl. Steuerberater/innen NDS HF" have... addition to a solid knowledge of accounting and financial reporting, they also have excellent knowledge of tax law. They are able to meet the increasingly complex requirements in tax matters.
Modern concept developed with
The accounting and fiduciary sector is confronted with numerous complex tax law issues. In order to comprehensively assess such issues and to develop and implement optimal solutions, in-depth tax law competencies are indispensable.
The SIB, as an educational pioneer at the level of Höhere Fachschule (HF), has therefore developed the postgraduate course "dipl. Steuerberater/in NDS HF" in collaboration with, the largest Swiss association for accounting, controlling and bookkeeping.
Job description dipl. Steuerberater/in NDS HF
You have comprehensive knowledge of direct and indirect taxes. The management of direct federal tax and value added tax are as much a part of their professional skills as the structuring of state tax, property tax and inheritance tax.
Furthermore, they are able to correctly apply the withholding tax and the Stamp Act and to determine the tax consequences thereof. In international tax law, they are familiar with the framework of the OECD Model Tax Convention and the double taxation agreements. They are also familiar with the functioning of the automatic exchange of information, the Tax Administrative Assistance Act, the EU Savings Tax Agreement and the FATCA Agreement.
They accompany companies and individuals as independent and competent advisors on all tax issues with the aim of representing their interests. An essential aspect is also the forward-looking advice for optimal tax structuring and support in entrepreneurial decisions. Furthermore, they can competently mediate in decisions made by tax administrations.
Continuing education with federal recognition
NDS HF are approved or recognized by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI). Before recognition, the relevant organizations in the world of work (usually professional and business associations) are asked for their opinions. This ensures that NDS HF meet a real need in the economy. The graduates of these postgraduate studies benefit greatly from this.
The SIB has been running federally recognized courses at the HF level since the 1980s and thus has a great deal of experience in recognition procedures. Our graduates of the NDS "dipl. Steuerberater/in" can therefore expect to receive definitive recognition in the course of 2021.
Promotion of broad-based professional competence
In your continuing education, you will gain professional, social and methodological skills in a balanced and networked manner, enabling you to perform your role as a tax advisor comprehensively, efficiently and competently.
Practical transfer already during your studies
At the SIB, practical relevance means not only the teaching of tax law theories, but also the concrete development of solution scenarios for current issues, taking into account all relevant laws, ordinances, court decisions, etc.