Provider: Zurich School of Economics
As a product manager, you master all tasks throughout the entire product life cycle. Market- and target group-oriented thinking and acting are just as much a part of this as the efficient interaction of participating functions and task managers in order to position your product portfolio sustainably on the market. In addition to these strategic management tasks, you will make product-related, operational decisions ranging from product development, implementation and launch to the maintenance and management of existing products and product groups.
Using the SGO Product Management Model, you will acquire all relevant strategic, structural and operational key elements of product management. You will be able to perform the tasks of a product manager independently and in a goal-oriented manner and will be able to recognize, analyze and evaluate market events and their interrelationships. You will be able to develop modern marketing concepts and implement the resulting action plans in a targeted manner. You will learn how to create a business plan, prepare it in a way that is appropriate for the target group and present it convincingly with the help of a business case.