Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Innovative Selling HWZ

Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Innovative Selling HWZ

Provider: Zurich School of Economics

CHF 9’500
6 months
Novice level
Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)



Does your company regularly develop innovations, but the sales department struggles to successfully sell them to customers? We show you a systematic process for selling innovations more successfully. Based on our unique co-creation sales approach, you can significantly increase the chances of success for your innovations. Do you want to successfully sell a new product or even a new business model? Then the CAS Selling Innovation HWZ is just right for you.


Renowned experts will guide you through the individual modules, which are structured as half days or full days. This continuing education program concludes with a practice case to ensure a holistic perspective on selling innovation. The training is based on the HWZ Sales Excellence Model. The aim is for students to recognize the respective success factors in the four dimensions: Information Management, Transformation, Sales Strategy and Sales Management for innovation sales.

You complete this CAS with a certificate thesis, which must be directly implementable in your company and generate added value. The key contents are

  1. Digitalization of sales

  2. Service differentiation

  3. Customer acquisition system

  4. Sales in a start-up

  5. Co-creation in sales

  6. Innovative sales approaches

  7. Co-Creation Sales Approach Challenge

  8. Diffusion of innovation

  9. Innovation management of services

  10. Design Thinking

  11. Business development

  12. Determination of market potential

  13. Marketing concept of innovations

  14. Price management of innovations

  15. Connection between sales, marketing and product management

  16. Sales partnerships

  17. Innovation controlling


University degree / higher degree plus four years of study-relevant professional competence after graduation. Other equivalent educational qualifications with corresponding practical experience can be recognized by means of an extraordinary admission procedure. In principle, admission to one or more CAS is independent of possible admission to the MAS. The latter is examined separately in an admission procedure.



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