Provider: Zurich University of Education
The training for secondary level I was redesigned in 2017 - in view of Curriculum 21.
The consecutive master's program for persons with a specialized bachelor's degree is aimed at prospective students with a university degree in one or more teaching subjects at the secondary level I.
Two teaching subjects must be chosen, and only one subject may be chosen from group A. The course of study comprises approximately 125 to 135 ECTS credits with a university degree in one teaching subject and 105 ECTS credits with a university degree in two teaching subjects at lower secondary level. In addition, subject-specific requirements are imposed if the previous education includes only one sub-discipline of the teaching subject.
The program usually lasts six semesters and leads to an EDK-recognized teaching diploma Secondary I in two teaching subjects as well as a Master of Arts PH Zurich in Secondary Education. The program is a part-time study.
Registration for the program is possible from December 1 to January 31.
Admission to the program is open to students who have a Bachelor's degree in a field of education that is offered as a subject at the lower secondary level. The subject canon of secondary level I according to the Zurich Curriculum 21 is decisive.
Requirements for previous professional education: